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hemolytic uremic syndrome




-  nondiarrheal, nonverocytotoxin SHU (atypical SHU)


-  nondiarrheal, nonverocytotoxin SHU (atypical SHU)

-  mutations of the CD46 gene in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)

Membrane cofactor protein (MCP, CD46) is a widely expressed transmembrane complement regulator. As does the soluble regulator factor-H, it inhibits complement activation by inactivating the C3b that is deposited on target membranes.


-  Goodship TH, Liszewski MK, Kemp EJ, Richards A, Atkinson JP. Mutations in CD46, a complement regulatory protein, predispose to atypical HUS. Trends Mol Med. 2004 May 1;10(5):226-231. PMID: #15121049#

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