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hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

MIM.187300 9q34.1

HHT, Osler-Weber-Rendu disease, Rendu-Osler disease


Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is a genetic angiodysplasia affecting multiple organs, characterized by cutaneous, mucosal, and visceral vascular anomalies.


-  hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT)
-  hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia with digestive juvenile polyposis (JHPT)


-  vascular lesions (26%) (#12843319#)

-  hemorrhages

-  HHT and digestive juvenile polyposis (JHT syndrome) (MIM.175050) (#11795766#, #9892274#, #8165825#)


-  Locus HHT1: mutation in the gene encoding endoglin (ENG) (MIM.131195) at 9q34.1
-  Locus HHT2: mutations in the activin receptor-like kinase-1 gene (ACVRLK1) (MIM.601284) at 12q11-q14
-  Locus HHT3 (localization unknown; gene unknown)
-  Locus JPHT (juvenile polyposis and HHT): MADH4 mutations (MIM.600993) at 18q21.1

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