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multiple sclerosis


Susceptibility loci

-  HLA-DR2


-  Lock CB, Heller RA. Gene microarray analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions. Trends Mol Med. 2003 Dec;9(12):535-41. PMID: #14659468#

-  Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R. Molecular mimicry in multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 2003 Jul 10;349(2):185-6. PMID: #12853593#

-  Lassmann H, Bruck W, Lucchinetti C. Heterogeneity of multiple sclerosis pathogenesis: implications for diagnosis and therapy. Trends Mol Med. 2001 Mar;7(3):115-21. PMID: #11286782#

-  Dyment DA, Sadovnick AD, Ebers GC, Sadnovich AD. Genetics of multiple sclerosis. Hum Mol Genet. 1997;6(10):1693-8. PMID: #9300661#

-  Sawcer S, Goodfellow PN, Compston A. The genetic analysis of multiple sclerosis. Trends Genet. 1997 Jun;13(6):234-9. PMID: #9196329#

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