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Ellis-van Creveld disease


Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, chondroectodermal dysplasia

Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is an autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia.

Autosomal recessive disease linked to at least two loci. Increased frequency in eastern Pennsylvania Amish.


-  acromelic dwarfism (short-limb dwarfism identifiable at birth - average adult height=109 to 152 cm)
-  ectodermal dysplasia
-  oral anomalies

-  cardiac anomalies

-  thoracic parietal anomalies

-  genital anomalies

-  limb anomalies

-  renal anomalies

-  hepatic anomalies


-  hydrometrocolpos (not linked to chromosome arm 4p or 20p) (#15054850#)
-  thymic hypoplasia (#12538281#)
-  nephronophtisis (#9502561#)


-  segmental uniparental disomy of chromosome 4


-  mutations in EVC gene at 4p16 (MIM.604831)
-  mutations in EVC2 gene at 20p (MIM.607261) (#12571802#, #12468274#)
-  other loci

Differential diagnosis

-  short rib-polydactyly syndromes

Cholestatic cirrhosis in Ellis-van Creveld syndrome

Portal fibrosis and ductular proliferation in Ellis-van Creveld disease

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