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mammary carcinomas

breast carcinomas, breast cancer



-  secretory breast carcinoma


-  BRCA1
-  BRCA2

Molecular biology

-  allelotypes
-  expression profiling
-  proteomics: #11721633#

-  comparative genomic hybridization

CGH revealed approximately 20 regions of recurrent increased DNA sequence copy number in breast tumors. These regions are predicted to encode dominantly acting genes that may play a role in tumor progression or response to therapy.

Three of these regions had been associated with established oncogenes

In breast cancer, ERBB2, CCND1 and EMS1 amplification and overexpression are associated with decreased life expectancy, whereas MYC amplification has been associated with lymph node involvement, advanced stage, and an increased rate of relapse.


-  1p
-  4p
-  5q
-  8p12-p23
-  11q
-  14q
-  16q
-  17p
-  17q


-  Weigelt B, Peterse JL, van 't Veer LJ. Breast cancer metastasis: markers and models. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005 Aug;5(8):591-602. PMID: #16056258#

-  Hunter DJ, Riboli E, Haiman CA, Albanes D, et al.; National Cancer Institute Breast and Prostate Cancer Cohort Consortium. A candidate gene approach to searching for low-penetrance breast and prostate cancer genes. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005 Dec;5(12):977-85. PMID: #16341085#

-  Nathanson KL, Weber BL. "Other" breast cancer susceptibility genes: searching for more holy grail. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 Apr;10(7):715-20. PMID: #11257104#

-  Welcsh PL, King MC. BRCA1 and BRCA2 and the genetics of breast and ovarian cancer. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 Apr;10(7):705-13. PMID: #11257103#

-  Barcellos-Hoff MH. Three down and counting: the transformation of human mammary cells from normal to malignant in three steps. Trends Mol Med. 2001 Apr;7(4):142-3. PMID: #11286925#

-  Stratton MR. Recent advances in understanding of genetic susceptibility to breast cancer. Hum Mol Genet. 1996;5 Spec No:1515-9. PMID: #8875258#

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