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digestive Crohn disease



-  gastric Crohn disease (Crohn gastritis)
-  intestinal Crohn disease (Crohn enteritis)

-  colonic Crohn disease (Crohn colitis)
-  rectal Crohn disease (Crohn rectitis)
-  anal Crohn disease (Crohn proctitis)


-  Locus IBD1
-  Locus IBD2
-  Locus IBD3
-  Locus IBD4
-  Locus IBD5 - 5q31 cytokine gene cluster
-  Locus IBD6
-  Locus CARD15
-  vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism (#10896912#)


-  Wright CL, Riddell RH. Histology of the stomach and duodenum in Crohn's disease. Am J Surg Pathol. 1998 Apr;22(4):383-90. PMID: #9537465#

-  Price AB, Morson BC. Inflammatory bowel disease: the surgical pathology of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Hum Pathol. 1975 Jan;6(1):7-29. PMID: #1089084#

Ileal Crohn disease - An ulceration and a luminal stenosis are seen at the distal part of the ileon.

Colonic stenosis in Crohn disease

Colonic stenosis in Crohn disease

Crohn ileitis

Crohn ileitis

Crohn ileitis

Crohn ileitis

Crohn ileitis

Crohn ileitis

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