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- Aboriginal Siberian populations exhibited mtDNAs from three (Haplogroup A, Haplogroup C, and Haplogroup D) of the four haplogroups observed in Native Americans. (7688933)

- None of the Siberian populations showed mtDNAs from the fourth haplogroup, Haplogroup B.

  • The presence of group B deletion haplotypes in East Asian and Native American populations but their absence in Siberians raises the possibility that haplogroup B could represent a migratory event distinct from the one(s) which brought group A, C, and D mtDNAs to the Americas. (7688933)

- The first humans to move from Siberia to the Americas could carried with them a limited number of founding mtDNAs and that the initial migration occurred between 17,000-34,000 years before present. (7688933)

See also

- mtDNA variation
- phylogenetic analyses
- sequence divergence estimations
- Y chromosome haplogroups

  • haplogroup M3
  • haplogroup M45

- Siberia

- Americas

  • Native Americans


- Pakendorf B, Novgorodov IN, Osakovskij VL, Stoneking M. Mating patterns amongst Siberian reindeer herders: Inferences from mtDNA and Y-chromosomal analyses. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2007 May 9; PMID: 17492671

- Phillips-Krawczak C, Devor E, Zlojutro M, Moffat-Wilson K, Crawford MH. MtDNA variation in the Altai-Kizhi population of southern Siberia: a synthesis of genetic variation. Hum Biol. 2006 Aug;78(4):477-94. PMID: 17278622

- Lell JT, Sukernik RI, Starikovskaya YB, Su B, Jin L, Schurr TG, Underhill PA, Wallace DC. The dual origin and Siberian affinities of Native American Y chromosomes. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Jan;70(1):192-206. PMID: 11731934

- Torroni A, Sukernik RI, Schurr TG, Starikorskaya YB, Cabell MF, Crawford MH, Comuzzie AG, Wallace DC. mtDNA variation of aboriginal Siberians reveals distinct genetic affinities with Native Americans. Am J Hum Genet. 1993 Sep;53(3):591-608. PMID: 7688933