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Riedel thyroiditis

Definition: Riedel thyroiditis (RT) is an uncommon form of chronic thyroiditis in which the thyroid gland is replaced by fibrous tissue. The etiologic mechanisms underlying RT are unclear.


- multisegmental spinal leptomeningeal fibrosis (12691392)

See also

- idiopathic fibrosclerotic disorders
- inflammatory pseudotumors


- Papi G, Corrado S, LiVolsi VA. Primary spindle cell lesions of the thyroid gland; an overview. Am J Clin Pathol. 2006 Jun;125 Suppl:S95-123. PMID: 16830961

- Papi G, LiVolsi VA. Current concepts on Riedel thyroiditis. Am J Clin Pathol. 2004 Jun;121 Suppl:S50-63. Review. PMID: 15298150

- Dehner LP, Coffin CM. Idiopathic fibrosclerotic disorders and other inflammatory pseudotumors. Semin Diagn Pathol. 1998 May;15(2):161-73. PMID: 9606807

- Zimmermann-Belsing T, Feldt-Rasmussen U. Riedel’s thyroiditis: an autoimmune or primary fibrotic disease? J Intern Med. 1994 Mar;235(3):271-4. PMID: 8120524

- Schwaegerle SM, Bauer TW, Esselstyn CB Jr. Riedel’s thyroiditis. Am J Clin Pathol. 1988 Dec;90(6):715-22. PMID: 3057862