Muir-Torre syndrome
Definition: The Muir-Torre syndrome is an autosomal-dominant genodermatosis characterized by the presence of sebaceous gland tumors, with or without keratoacanthomas, associated with visceral malignancies.
early onset colonic diverticula
cutaneous tumors
- sebaceous gland tumors (sebaceous tumors)
- keratoacanthomas
- basal cell carcinoma
visceral tumors
- colorectal adenocarcinoma
- duodenal carcinoma
- laryngeal carcinoma
- benign gastrointestinal tract tumors
- benign genitourinary tract tumors
- mammary carcinomas (breast cancer)
Muir-Torre syndrome is part of the Lynch cancer family syndrome II (MIM.114400)
mutations in the MSH2 gene (MIM.120435) located on 2p
mutations in the MLH1 gene (MIM.120436) located on 3p
Kruse R, Ruzicka T. DNA mismatch repair and the significance of a sebaceous skin tumor for visceral cancer prevention. Trends Mol Med. 2004 Mar;10(3):136-41. PMID: 15102357