A disease has a known specific cause or causes (called its etiology).
It differs from a syndrome, which is a collection of signs or symptoms that occur together. However, for historical reasons, many conditions have been identified, yet continue to be referred to as "syndromes". Furthermore, numerous conditions of unknown etiology are referred to as "diseases" in many contexts.
List of diseases
List of Group of diseases
Etiological classification
chromosomal diseases
genetic diseases
infectious diseases
environnemental diseases
nutritional diseases
Physiopathological classification
developmental anomalies (malformations)
metabolic diseases
inflammatory diseases
tumoral diseases (Tumors)
systemic diseases
localized diseases (diseases of a structure)
- diseases of systems
- diseases of organs
- diseases of tissues (tissular pathology)
- diseases of cells (cellular pathology)
- diseases of cellular organelles (cellular pathology)
- diseases of molecules (molecular pathology)
Wright A, Charlesworth B, Rudan I, Carothers A, Campbell H. A polygenic basis for late-onset disease. Trends Genet. 2003 Feb;19(2):97-106. PMID: 12547519
Reich DE, Lander ES. On the allelic spectrum of human disease. Trends Genet. 2001 Sep;17(9):502-10. PMID: 11525833