Human pathology

Home page > G. Tumoral pathology > Cancer genetics > LOH by regions > 1p LOH

1p LOH


- parathyroid tumors
- neuroblastomas
- Wilms tumor (17243164, 17370329)


- 1p36 LOH

- 1p13 LOH (17370329)

- 1p36-pter LOH

- 1p22.3 LOH

Candidate genes

- ENO1

See also

- Oncobase


- Tamimi Y, Ziebart K, Desaulniers N, Dietrich K, Grundy P. Identification of a minimal region of loss on the short arm of chromosome 1 in Wilms tumor. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Apr;46(4):327-35. PMID: 17243164

- Zahn S, Sievers S, Alemazkour K, Orb S, Harms D, Schulz WA, Calaminus G, Gobel U, Schneider DT. Imbalances of chromosome arm 1p in pediatric and adult germ cell tumors are caused by true allelic loss: a combined comparative genomic hybridization and microsatellite analysis. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2006 Nov;45(11):995-1006. PMID: 16897744

- Grundy PE, Breslow NE, Li S, Perlman E, Beckwith JB, Ritchey ML, Shamberger RC, Haase GM, D?Angio GJ, Donaldson M, Coppes MJ, Malogolowkin M, Shearer P, Thomas PR, Macklis R, Tomlinson G, Huff V, Green DM; National Wilms Tumor Study Group. Loss of heterozygosity for chromosomes 1p and 16q is an adverse prognostic factor in favorable-histology Wilms tumor: a report from the National Wilms Tumor Study Group. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Oct 10;23(29):7312-21. PMID: 16129848